Haul Calculator


The Haul Calculator allows you to enter the specifics of up to three haul routes (distance, travel speed, etc.). Once entered, you can either:

  • Calculate the number of trucks required to complete the haul in a set amount of time, or

  • Calculate how long it will take to complete the haul with a set number of trucks

The following activity walks step by step through using the Haul Calculator to calculate the number of trucks needed for a cost item.

Step by Step — Haul Calculator – Calculate Quantity of Trucks

  1. Open the Training Job and from the Estimate tab, select Cost Breakdown Structure.

  2. Open cost item 4.1 – Furnish & Haul Base Material.

  3. On the Cost Item Record, click the Detail tab.

  4. Right click on the ETDT – Dump Truck row header and select Open Haul Calculator.

  5. On the Haul Calculator, select the Calculate quantity of ETDT required to complete haul in duration entered below radio button. (ETDT is the resource code for the Dump Truck you selected.)

  6. For the Haul Distance, type 5.

  7. Enter an Average Payload (Ton) of 30.

  8. For Load Time (Minutes), type 3.

  9. Enter a Travel Speed Full of 35 Mile/Hour.

  10. For Dump Time (Minutes), type 2.

  11. Enter a Travel Speed Empty of 45 Mile/Hour. Notice this calculates a cycle time of 20.24.

  12. Enter a Work Efficiency of 90 percent.

    • The calculator shows a result of 1.56 concurrent haulers

  13. Click OK.

  14. Your cost item now shows a quantity of 1.56. Round up the Quantity to 2. Also, adjust the Teamster Quantity to 2 (if needed).

Step by Step — Haul Calculator – Calculate Total Duration

  1. Open the Training Job and from the Estimate tab, select Cost Breakdown Structure.

  2. Open cost item 4.1 – Furnish & Haul Base Material.

  3. On the Cost Item Record, click the Detail tab.

  4. Change your Teamster and Dump Truck quantities back to 2 each.

  5. Right click on the ETDT – Dump Truck row header and select Open Haul Calculator.

  6. On the Haul Calculator, select the Calculate total duration of haul using quantity of ETDT entered below radio button.

    • With the previous information you entered still there, the calculator calculates a total duration of 281.08 hours

  7. Click OK.

    • The Hours field on the Production tab updated to 281.08

    • Your ETDT Dump Truck quantity remains at 2